Sunday, 17 March 2013

The secrets of a good magazine cover !

Covers are designed in order to appeal to the publishers, and target audience, it is the most important part of the whole magazine, as it is what people pay the most attention to. The cover is linked significantly to the sales of the magazine.

- Photos are better than illustrations
(Using photography is alot more proffesional than using a drawing, you rarely see magazines with illustrations)

- Models ages are usually lower or higher than the target audience depending on who they are
(Usually the models that are chosen for the magazine are younger, if they are aimed at older women, in this case it wont be too much younger, just a small age gap, to make the women feel like they are younger, and this is a form of escapism, they may make the audience older, for example if the audience is in their early teens, an older teen may be used, so that the reader can inspire to be like the older rolemodel)

-Red is a good colour for a magazine
(Most magazines have an aspect of red, especially music magazines like Q, NME, and rolling stone magazine.

- Avoid black, white and green
(Too much white can look like there is a plain page, however i think the rolling stone magazine next to this, looks really good with the colour used. Black can make a magazine look too dark, this however can be good for a more rock magazine, however too much will not make the magazine attractive to the reader, and lastly green is an odd colour, and it can sometimes look a bit unwanted in a magazine)

-Numbers are good!
(Using larger numbers for articles like "53 posters" can attract the reader, the bigger and more odd the number is , can make people think "ooh what are them extra 3 posters, i want to know"

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