Tuesday, 19 March 2013

My magazine: Incorparating proffesionalism


I can easily find out what people will want in my magazine, but i feel that it is hard to make it look professional. I think a magazine should look professional, and i feel this is hard to achieve in some cases, as i don't have technical equipment, that the proffesional magazine guys would be using. However there are many factors of my magazine i can look at to improve the proffesional image i am looking for.

Barcode: I have noticed on most magazines that there is a barcode, this may seem obvious, but this really will make my magazine look alot more professional, even adding a barcode to my drafts makes it look more professional, like a real magazine.

Colour: The colours in magazine, always come together and work well together. There is always a colour theme.

Logo: Magazines usually have something that makes the readers know that you are rreading their magazine. for example a logo, i have added a logo of a bird to my magazine and think that this makes it look alot more proffesional.

Layout: The layout also makes a magazine look professional. This is so far what i am having difficulty with, i am never sure where to put components on the page. However i am using photoshop to change things about slightly, so that they look how i want them to look.

Images:If an image has been done proffesionally it will look proffesional, and like thhat on a real magazine. I do not have the equipment, however taking images on white backgrounds, or plain backgrounds, makes a magazine look much better. If the images aren't perfect you can change certain factors on photoshop, and this really helps.

Editing:On my draft magazine i have not cut out bonnie correctly, using photoshop makes this alot more simple, and creates an exact outline of the image you are editing.

Text: Usually on a magzine there are varuous fonts. You rarely see them using typical microsoft word fonts like arial and times new roman, as people see these too much. Especially with company they have made there text look appealing, and everywhere you look there are different fonts and text sizes, which interests the reader, but doesnt make the page look too messy.

Graphics:I really like the idea of adding graphics, this gives the reader more too look at and brings everything together, and almost creates a housestyle that can be used on every page.


My magazine drafts are changing slightly, after looking at making my magazine look proffesional, i have decided that i should add certain features to make my magazine look alot more like a real magazine.

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