Friday, 22 March 2013

Thankyou to moderator

Evidence of me using technology, and taking images.


The left third of my magazine

The left third of the magazine, is one of the most important parts of the magazine, as it is what people will see when they are buying the magazine in the shop.
Here is the centre third of my magazine! i think it is good because you can instantly recognise the title, as being maverick, it gives you a few ideas of whats to come, and it also shows the appealing price!

Images used!

 This image also was edited very well, its not until you put the images side by side, that you can actually see the real quality of the editing.
 I love the above image of  Bonnie, i am most pleased with this. The editing went really well, and this shot looks similar to what you would usually see on a magazines front cover.

Here show the image of the guitair, to incorporate music more into the music magazine. I decided to cut it out, because the carpet doesn't look very good against the back of this image. i done this using the lasoo tool.
 I used these images of Bonnie, of her in action (singing), and the image of Emily also in action (Playing the piano). I also have used the hard rock cafe logo!

Overall i have used a variety of shots. I have used a close up of Bonnie, where her hand is covering her mouth, i like this image as you can see her fun side, and the reader can connect with her, and see that she can have a laugh. The other images on the double page spread are both medium shots. I like the one of her singing, because it shows what she actually does, it doesnt just describe that she's into music, it shows the reader also. The other image of Bonnie i also like because it shows a more posed shot, so that the reader can see that they do this alot.

Wednesday, 20 March 2013


Below is my evaluation that I constructed on Prezi, enjoy!

Final magazines!

Analysis of dps

Working progress: dps

Here show the images I used of bonnie. To make these look more like they were in an magazine, i added a light pink border. I like this as it links the whole page together, using house style and similarity in the colours chosen.

Here shows my double page spread article, i am extremly happy with the outcome. I only had to play around slighly with the components to make them fit on the page correctly. The final composition i have achieved i feel looks like the layout of a real magazine.

Here shows the quote i have used, and i have used this because i believe that people who are ineterested in the music my magazine is promoting, will also be interested in artists like Paloma faith (shown below). This also makes my main artist look friendly!

Working progress: dps

I also added the page number and graphic, to yet again show a housestyle throughout.
Lastly i have prepared myself for the actuall text in the box. I have made a large base box to show where i want the text to be contained. I want to also have a quote from the interview that i feel will be the most attractive to the audience, on the main image.
Here is the white text box i was talking about in an earlier post.

Double page spread - Starting to add images

The double page spread features a large image of Bonnie. I love this picture! I think you really can see that the contents, dps, and front cover relate due to all of the colours!

Here shows the extra cosmetic things i had done to the image. I also cutted out an image of a gutair from the original background, i featured different pictures of Bonnie. However put the one at the top of the article and the biggest because it shows another side of her, being giggly, and almost innocent, and friendly looking!

Double page spread: Bonnie image edited

Firstly i slightly edited this image of bonnie, i painted her nails in to make them fit with the page colour theme. I also added a lighter colour on each of the nails to look like they were painted, and that they were reflecting light.

Later on i also done the same thing i done with my image on the front cover, and made her pupils larger, and gave more light spots in her eyes to make her look more friendly. I also added a tan, and some eyeliner around the eyes.

Questions for my double page spread

I decided to write up the questions in a word document before hand, and i asked Bonnie these, and i asked her to pretend as if she was actually this vintage starlett, and i expected her to react to the questions as she would if she was a star!

Analysis of contents

Images I have editied for my contents page

Working progress: finishing off

As you can see i have added all the page numbers, and stuck to my draft with regards to the fact they are all alternating sizes! I also have included the part to form convergence with the audience.

I have also added images, however one thing i haven't done yet is added page numbers, to direct the images to the articles they belong too.

Working progress: adding page numbers

Here shows me adding page numbers to my articles. This required alot of thinking and planning, although it seems fairly easy. Assuming that my contents page would be the 1st one in my magazine, this meant my page numbers featured on the articles would have to be from 2 onwards. I found that orginally i wanted to make my double page spread a certain page number, but found out i couldnt because this wouldnt work with the page numbers on the page, and the contents.
This diagram explains what i am trying to say better:

You can see that if the contents is page 1 then the other pages on the left will be even numbers, and on the right of the magazine are always odd. So i released i needed to make the DPS, an even number on the contents, however it will be 2 pages, which will take up an odd number also.

Another thing with page numbers, is that in magazines they don't feature these on every page. However for my double page spread i feel it is vital, as i want people to be able to find it as easy as they can see the page number.

Working progress: continued

Here shows the articles arranged how I would like them to be :
after this i decided to move some of the articles around, so there was less blank space.

Working progress

I added all the stories, i didnt want to arrange them at this point, i just wanted to see the ammount of space they took up on the magazine. I made the main titles, for example music, fashion and beauty, slightly larger, i wanted them to stand out, as they're not articles they're sections of the magazine with these articles in them.

Working progress: adding more to the magazine

Here shows the most recent print screen of my current contents page. All I have done is added the "on the cover text" i have made sure that i also do this in the dark grey instead of black, so that it looks alot more blended, and not too harsh.

Working progress: starting my contents page

The black orginal title colour, i personally thought looked too harsh for my magazine, so i decided to make it a greyer tone, i still wanted it to look dark, however i wanted it to be slightly more subtle and blend in almost with the background. Below is what it looked like.

Here i have added the polka dots from the main page, which is just me incorparating the house style in all of the pages. There is the large darker polka dot, however i slightly changed this because i though the top look slightly too dark, the baby pink as shown below, made it look alot more brighter and fun.
I have added light pink boxes, this is to put my main articles in so there is a collumn like structure happening. I also have used a spray paint sorta effect to make some texture on the page, this works very well on the top baby pink circle.

What to feature in my contents page

Below are the articles i am going to feature in my magazine. I have divided them into 5 distinctive categorys.
On the cover - Most magazines have this, it is so that the consumer can acsess the stories that interested them on the front cover quickly, instead of searching through each and every page.
Blast from the past - This section is about the past and who most people would asdsume are the main vintage artists. Elvis will be the feature of this month, as many people inspire to be elvis, and are interested in his music and his overall story. In this section i have also included stories about Old hollywood, and the glamour of this time, and also the vintage cars that people see, want and love.
Every week - Most magazines i have noticed have this section also. This is what they feature every day and what people expect to see in this magazine genre.
Music - I have added this as a categroy on my contents as it is a very important feature in my magazine, as it is a music magazine. I have featured articles that have something to do with the musical side of my magazine, and also how people can get involved (by wining, or by visiting certain music venues).
Fashion and beauty - This section is for the inner girly girl in mavericks readership. This will tell them how to get similar looks to all the stars, and also how they can stand out from the crowd by adding modern twists.

Analysis of final front cover

Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Working progress - Finished construction


Working progress - Barcode

Here shows the barcode on the magazine. I think the added information here looks really good. If i was to further with this, i may add an issue number.

Working progress - Adding coverlines


This is where i am at to date. I have added coverlines, i have boxed the word new as i have seen this in the company magazine i looked at and though it looked really well. I've written about makeup, as the model is wearing obvious makeup, and the reader may want to know how they got that look. I have done this because i know from my research that people follow the trends and like to look like artists in the current media.

I have "Tanned" bonnie, this was to improve her complexion, as it was slightly red below her nose. I think this makes her look alot more attractive. I have also added white "eyeshadow" to the inner of her eyes, to make her eyes, yet again look more bright, alert and friendly.

Working progress - Pupils and editing bonnie

The above picture shows the close up zoom, which i had to use to get the detail exactly correct. athough i have only added a line, it makes alot of difference when the picture is zoomed out. I have also made her pupils larger, and added more light specs on her eyes, this is to make her eyes look more friendly, and in this case i think it has really worked. I am not too happy on the lips in these images, however I will later fix these.

Working progress - Copyright

This just shows a copyright sign, i found this on the custom shape tool on photoshop. This is brilliant i feel because it makes my magazine look alot more proffesional.

Working progress : Front page construction

This is my magazine cover. The background is the same picture, because i feel this looks the most proffesional, before when i have drafted my main image, i have cut it out, and placed it on a white or coloured background, however i feel this works alot better.
The polka dots will be part of my house style. they remind me of the era, and i have made them slightly less opaque, so that they don't overpower the top of the page.
The logo is positioned over the main title because i felt this looked alot better. Lastly i have decided that the title should be white, instead of black as shown in my drafts.

Working progress- Twitter bar

I have looked at different colours, that correspond to my house style. These are my final favourite two, however I feel that the lilacy shade will work better for my magazine, as it isn’t an overdose of pink, and is more similar to the shade of colour of my cover models dress.

What i want to feature in my front page!

Main cover articles

I have decided to feature the following articles (As shown in my draft)

"The new makeup trend"
This is again attracting my target audience, most typical girls like makeup, and they may or may not be interested in this article, however it is one of many, so i want to give them alot of choice in what they can read in Maverick magazine.
"All about Bonnie"
This relates to my main celebrity on the front cover. I am using this as the main article in order to anchor the image. This has to be done so that the audience know what the image is about, and if they are interested then they may want to read on, and more information can be giving by the images anchorage on the front page.
"Music Mania"
This is to relate my main page more to the music side of the magazine, because i don't want this to be non existance, as it is the brief for this task.
"Blast from the past"
This is looking at the vintage music side of my magazine, i want to interest the reader by finding out more about the actuall past, by giving them information on it.

Newest drafts!

My magazine: slogan/selling line

Most magazines have a selling line, as  this basically is a small slogan which compliments the magazines title, and genre, and helps towards the selling of the magazine, and getting people interested. In the case of Maverick, i wish to use the following selling line :

"Standing out from the crowd"

This relates to my magazine title, "Maverick" and that people who read my magazine, will gain enough confidence, to want to stand out from the crowd for a positive reason, which may be their taste in music, or fashion sense.

My magazine: Colour scheme

These are the colours i wish to use in my magazine, they may differ slightly, however i like this range of colours, as they are quite feminine, and typical for the gender i am aiming my magazine at.

My magazine: Audience profile


The targeted age of my magazine will be between 17-25. They will be people who have an interest in this type of genre. The magazine will be aimed at typical girls who enjoy hair and makeup, clothes and fashion, and vintage!! and of course the musical side of things also!

I may have initially wanted to target my magazine, at both genders, however i decided that i could make it easier by aiming it just at women and girls, because it is hard to satisfy both men and womens needs in one magazine. You do not see this done often.

The people who read my magazine, will have an average education. It is not an advanced read, however it is not to the level of a 10 year old either, because some of the language and terms, may not make sense to younger readers.

Other interests
They will be interested mostly in vintage fairs, vintage life, vintage homes, vintage cars, vintage hair and makeup, people who have a vintage look nowadays, and basic the vintage lifestyle with a slight modern twist.

Lastly... Musical taste
Their musical taste will be music that is vintage, or music that has been remixed or changed slightly in order to create a contempoary look on vintage music. They will also like people who are doing this at the moment.
This is Lisa, she likes the vintage fashion, and also the music, with a more modern twist! She likes wearing polka dot, and full skirts, typical of the time. She likes to have her hair and makeup in the style of Marilyn monroe, and always looks sophisticated. Aswell as vintage, she is interested in typical girly things! She loves watching musicals, and enjoys Jersey boys, and dream boats and petticoats!